CHERRYL has 30+ years career in the Information Technology Industry in which she has been able to apply her technical skills into her passion encouraging others to 'listen' to their heart and pursue their calling. After several years of working for others and then loosing everything in her world, as she knew it (job, house, friends, mind, and self worth). She decided to 'listen' to her own heart and launch CHERRYL CRITE & COMPANY.
She conducts interactive, thought-provoking, and loads of fun training sessions for the socially and economically challenged community. Her love for OUR COMMUNITY allows her to share her journey, openly and freely, to help others who are facing life's challenges and struggle to move forward.
Once upon a time, CHERRYL was in a dark place in her life, where she didn't love, respect, or know herself and that supporter, cheerleader, friend that she needed at that time was not there.
CHERRYL does not want another female to not live her best life ever because no one was cheering for her.
So my SISTAGIRL! journey begins!
Using my sewing skills to make masks to be donated to my community and Essential Workers so that we can LIVE tomorrow!
Hosted a Back-to-School Pop-Up for the kids on my street. We took pictures, had a cook-out and played basketball.
We feed 100 Senior Citizens on Christmas morning. We provide gifts, play games, sing songs, and share some LOVE!
With a 30+ year career in the Information Technology, I'm always excited to volunteer with Black Girls Code
Assisted with coordinating, collecting, and stuffing 2 18-wheeler trucks with resources (including money) for Houston, TX
Assisted my daughter in hosting her annual event to share some love and resources in OUR COMMUNITY. This event included entertainment, activities, food, clothing, and resources for housing and employment.
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